Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Antidepressants Made Me Do It!!!!!!

Okay, I am just sitting here and watching Women Behind Bars on WE. I don't know why I like to watch these crazy shows. I like to watch court tv too. Anyway, I was watching this stupid show and now I am infuriated. This women shot her two 4 or 5 year old twin boys while they watched TV. She claims Paxil and Zoloft made her do it. You have got to be kidding me! I don't work for any drug company or claim to have any sort of medical degree. I know that these meds can at times cause homicidal or suicidal thoughts. She claims that she was changed from one to the other and that caused her to go crazy. She claims that her nurse practitioner did not ween her from one to the other and did not listen to her when she said she was feeling suicidal.

Here is the part that really upsets me. Her blood alcohol was 3-4 times the legal limit. She was also taking Xanax which is an antianxiety medication with a sedative effect which would be magnified by the alcohol. I think that people who are that drunk do things they don't remember and maybe are out of character for them without any other factors at all. I am sure she didn't say to her NP that she was also downing her meds with alcohol or that she thought that her antidepressant was causing her to increase her drinking.

Her family actual said in the piece on her that she was a victim of the drug companies. No way!!! She was not taking the meds as directed. She probably wasn't an hundred percent truthful with her medical care provider. She knew herself well enough to go the NP to ask to have her meds changed but not to say "I am feeling like I am in a bad place. I had better get out of here." Nope she decided to drink it away or something.

Thankfully, she was found guilty and will now serve consecutive sentences for the murders which should keep her in prison for life. I am glad she will have plenty of time think about what she has done.

Here is a link if you want to know a little more or see air dates for this show. http://www.wetv.com/women-behind-bars/episodes/farchild-demeniuk


Heather said...

Hey Andrea...cousin Heather (from Utah) here. I found your blog thru Beth's and just wanted to pop in and say Hi. How are you liking Kansas? How's Aidan adapting? How old is he now anyway? I think he's a few weeks older than Bria, who turned two April 8th. Well, I hope you're doing well and would love to hear back from you. Here is the link to my blog:


in case you want to check it out. :)

Beth Soelberg said...

I can see NOT having enough medication making you go crazy, but doesn't every medicine on earth have a warning about mixing it with alcohol? It always gets me when people try to lay the blame for their terrible personal choices on companies. Most of the time it's personal behavior.

But I'm sort of a hard-liner anyway!