Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh I forgot

Three more things I forgot. Yesterday we went to the train station to watch for trains when we were done at the park. We saw one just sitting there but it wasn't very fun. Then on the way home there was a huge train parked at the intersection by our house. So Aidan and I pulled over and got out and looked at it. How cool.

I have not yet put my flowers on Etsy. I guess I am just too nervous. I am afraid they just aren't good enough. Although we went to a craft show last weekend and someone was selling Christmas ornaments that were just paint swirled around inside glass bulbs. I did that ten years ago as my Christmas gifts. I pointed out to Matt that he had $40 worth of handmade ornaments on his tree. He said I should make some more and sell them. Men just don't understand art. Well, except for Dan.

Finally, take a look at my friend Katie's blog. She is pregnant and had a plaster cast done of her tummy. You have to see it. It is so beautiful. Mine would never look that good, but her's is awesome.


Nikki said...

Oh my goodness- I would never do that pregnancy mold of my body! She appears to be pregnant just in her belly. I was pregnant EVERYWHERE. That would not look good.
Don't be afraid to put up an etsy shop... or sell your crafts at a Bbesides I recently read this that President Monson said a couple of weeks ago...
"If you don't TRY, then you don't DO, and if you don't DO, what are you here for anyway?" No fear. Don't bury your talents. :)

Andrea said...

great quote thanks so much

Heather said...

Hey Andrea! I want to send you a birth announcement but I don't have your new address. Could you please email it to me at

Thanks! Hope you're doing well!

Caity said...

Go for the Etsy Andrea! You can do it!!!