Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas, Part 2

I figure I better get this up before I forget more details than I already have. I have already told you how we got to Michigan so we will skip that part. As I mentioned in previous posts, my mother has a Mexican Fiesta on Christmas Eve. ( I have been told Mexican was choosen as the fare over 30 years ago because that was what my parents could cook. I know my mom can cook all sorts of things but she keeps that a secret. Just ask her how to make no grainy fudge or lump free gravy. We are on to you.)

So on Christmas Eve, all of the family was excited to see us. But I would have to say that Helena and Aidan were most excited to see each other. I think they even ignored their presents to play with each other sometimes. When Helena first got there, the two shared a long awaited and anticipated hug.

This really is a hug and not Helena trying to suffocate Aidan.
We ate a wonderful meal as usual. I had been telling Matt since Thanksgiving that I no longer got the same pleasure from food on holidays. Luckily it was some sort of temporary problems because I oinked while I was at my moms.
The kids went to the basement and from what I can gather just ran back and forth. Everytime Helena came upstairs Aidan would follow her up and bug her until she went back down to run with her. When it was time for presents he really didn't care and wanted to go back downstairs. I should say he didn't care until he started opening his presents. Then he cared a whole lot.

He absolutely loved all of his gifts. He is still at the age where he wants to play with his toys more than open new presents. So Helena did have to encourage him a bit.

Thanks to whoever got him the Candyland game. He loves it and we play it every day.

This toy is so cool. It is a fire truck that opens up into this little city. It has these little tiny cars that go with it. What you don't see in this picture are the tiny parts and the stickers that seem to cover every inch. Bless Matt for spending over an hour with a sticker sheet, mini pieces and a diagram trying to put it all together.

Helena and Aidan spent a good part of the night like this:

They LOVE each other so much. I think they both have not realized that Aidan is no longer a baby because Helena still likes to hold him as if he were one. Not that Aidan seems to mind a bit.
As I mentioned in my previous post, my mother has a sophisticated tree. Here is a pic, but you can't see the top with the twigs and ribbon. Sorry.

(Hunter, David, and the back of Beth's head are in this one too. As well as, a look at the beautiful presents.)

I will end this post here and do one more I think. I will cover Christmas day in the next one. Stay tuned because some of the funniest pictures are yet to come.


Leanne said...

Sounds like a great Christmas. And I DID see the top of the tree when we went over for the progressive dinner. Fabulous tree!

Heather said...

Those two are so cute together! I'm glad you guys had such a fun Christmas!

Beth Soelberg said...

Those pictures of Helena and Aidan...well, let's just say she loves him. And misses him, too. They were pretty tight, huh?

Funny post!

Beth Soelberg said...

P.S. We were the CandyLand givers. It's Helena's favorite and so she got it for Aidan.

stacie said...

It is fun to see everyone:) I miss everyone so much