Saturday, August 30, 2008

Photo memories

So in getting settled and looking for pictures of Savannah for a previous post, I have found pictures I haven't looked at in years. The first are a set of photos from Girls' Camps of yesteryear. This time of year I always think about camp. Plus I am very lucky to have my dad be the ranger at the camp where I have so many fond memories. I mean in the down time he lets me go to the places I really cherish if I want to. Anyway, I warn you that I have no release from the subjects of these pictures to use them. So if you happen to be one of them and you just can't stand it let me know and I will take them off.

This is the beautiful "Land of Destiny" Not exactly sure what it is really called but we went there for devotional every morning and testimony meetings or other special events as well.

Here we are at one of those evening meetings. I believe the guy down front attempting to build a fire is my dad. In fact, I think this was him building a fire with ashes from fires past. You guys who live in MI have to ask him to tell you about that.

This is a very little Caity Tracy. I think this was her first year. Isn't she cute. Oh yeah, I am on the left and Beth is on the right, just in case you didn't recognize us in our gorgeousness.

This is a young Megan Tracy wearing a fish hat. I love this picture because it reminds me of one of my favorite things about Megan, her self-confidence. I mean I would not have worn a fish hat at that age for fear of what people thought. Now I think "how cool".

Okay, here is my opinion, the coolest 5th and 6th year prank. Beth and Megan were part of this prank and possibly the masterminds. They drag this canoe up a long hill, hoisted it over the fence surrounding pool, filled it with candy(which was usually thrown at the younger girls in the morning to wake them up), and set it afloat in the pool.

Oh wait I forgot about this prank. But it only affected a few very dedicated kitchen staff. Poor Sister Carey. She opened the fridge one day and found this. Yes, I put it there and I was the camp director that year. It was terrible. It actually made me gag to make it. It is just yellow jello and a baby ruth but it was realistic enough to make me ill.

Now for our next set of pictures. These are a young Beth. I couldn't help myself. She is just a doll. Plus I think you will understand why she keeps her hair the length it is now from the first few photos.

In my family this was a classic photo. My mom and aunts often posed for pictures in front of my grandma's flowers. So I guess Beth and I were just trying to imitate the grown ups.

Yes this was MY idea of a vacation photo. Not cool scenery but a hotel room. Tell me you can't see craftiness in those eyes. Maybe a bit of mischief. Oh the hair.

This is little Beth getting ready for her first dance. I don't remember her as a super girly girl. So our friend Jennifer helped her with hair and make-up. Jen often helped us with hair because she had always had long hair and her mom knew how to braid and curl and stuff so she showed us how. I mean what can you do with a boy hair cut that is fun?

Ah young and in love. The happy couple at a dance at the stake center. A point of interest in this photo is to the right of Dan. If you look close you can see a young Joel. Yes, that is Joel. Wait here I have cropped it.

Can you see him now? This is not a trick of photography. Joel really was that small. Unlike Dan his growth spurt took awhile.

May I please encourage you to visit Caity, Beth and Megans blogs for grown up photos. Links can be found to the left in the margin. I want to make sure you know they are still cool and have great fashion sense.

Okay, you are right it isn't fair to put up bad pictures of others without putting up a few of my own.

Here I am in my very immodest clothing at,of all places, Temple Square in Salt Lake City. Yes, I did the perm for a time. I was probably in middle school. I think by high school I had returned to the hairstyle I had as a toddler and still have now.

This is me in 8th grade. We were on the boat over to Mackinac Island. This was my last perm. As you can see it is very frizzy. Pam gave me this perm. She failed to mention that I shouldn't go to bed with it wet the night she did it. So it frizzed out and stayed that way. After months of ugly I decided to play it straight. Another interesting thing in this picture is I am wearing perscription sunglasses. I didn't have contacts yet and my dad had gotten me these. Well, now they are at the bottom of Twin Lake. I jumped off a boat and forgot I had them on.

I hope you have enjoyed this trip down memory lane as much as I have.


Megan said...

Ahhhh! I can't believe that! What a blast from the past. THANK YOU! That was too fun seeing again, Andrea! You just made my day. :)

Caity said...

That was a hoot! I loved all the pictures! So funny.

Beth Soelberg said...

Those pictures are Pee-in-your-pants hilarious! I will never forget how mad Linda Perry was about that canoe. Not that she didn't appreciate its funniness...but she was worried she'd catch it from the Camp Owasippe officials!

Maybe I'll do one of these...but I'll try not embarrass anyone too badly!

Leanne said...

AWESOME pics! I love old photos!

I especially like how little both Caity and Joel looked! Hahaha.

Do one of these posts again...I love it! Maybe I'll do some more old stuff on my blog too. I hate to scan, but it might be worth it.

Holly said...

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THat is the BEST post ever!! I never knew you guys as little people (especially Joel... WOW!). Love it and can't wait to see the next installment of "Flashback Friday"!!