I have been lax in my blogging and reading of others' blogs. For which I apologize. I am back at work and I was going to use that as my excuse. I was going to shut down the blog. I was going to just be a facebook junky. Then I got the camera out to take some pics and realized I had a ton of pictures I wanted to show all of you and comment on. So I shall put on my super mom hat and continue the blog. I mean really I have no reason not to. Matt takes care of the household chores. I am not some pioneer who has to walk across the plains all day and then make dinner. I don't even have to take the bus to work. Shoot, I only have to drive about 15 minutes to work. No good excuses.
Let's see, where to begin. Aidan had a birthday in March for which I made a cake. The first one was a very moist yellow cake. So moist it didn't come out of the mold.
The next was a chocolate cake that did come out of the mold. I think I was up until 2 0r 3 in the morning decorating it. Thank goodness for the power rock infomercial.
We were supposed to have my in laws over but the weather was sort of icy/snowy so they didn't come up. Which left us with only one choice which was to go hang out with our friends Jenni, Ken, Logan and Hannah.
Ken is a fireman. He was working that night so we got to go to the firehouse and have a little party. Sadly, Jenni was not feeling well and they had to leave early, but we still had cake and presents and best of all Aidan got to get in the fire truck. (last time he was too afraid to spend much time in there, but this time he was pretty brave).
Then we had cake. Which he loved.
Finally he opened presents. Logan got him this nice plane which he loved. I think he even wrapped it himself
That is Aidan's birthday part two. Next I shall cover my quick trip to Michigan, my new job, and a new addition to the family. Stay tuned!